What is Social Networking? By Richard Linden – Founder Webvisable in Orange County, CA. March 5, 2014 Social networking, we have all likely heard of it before, but not everyone knows what it means?If you were asked to define what social networking was, would you be able to give an accurate definition. Unfortunately, most individuals cannot, even though it is likely that they participate in some form of social networking, especially online. Social networking is defined as the grouping of individuals together into to specific groups, often like a small community or a neighborhood. Although it is possible in person, Read More
Tag Archives: Google Page 1
Why Is Website Design Important?
So… Why Is Website Design Important? Let us tell you… The average internet surfer takes a few seconds to look on a website before deciding to stay on that page or move elsewhere. This is why design plays the most important role in keeping its viewer on a website. Many ask “why is website design important”. Well, it just is. The following highlight the five key components that a web designer should keep in mind when designing a website. Want to jumpstart your business with social media marketing? Call WebVisable today at 855-639-8444 to get started! Navigation Possibly the most important part of a website Read More
Why Is SEO Important?
Why Is SEO Important for Your Growing Business? Why is SEO Important you ask? Well, you run a small business. You have a strong cliental base. AND you have a website. So you are curious why your business has hit a plateau? You are wondering “why is my business not growing?”. It is time to ask yourself… “Why is SEO important?” Let me tell you why having a website is NOTHING without having SEO. SEO plays such a major role in a businesses online success, and not just in terms of producing high rankings in the search results. Many companies are Read More
The Top 10 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing
What Are the Benefits of Social Media Marketing? To some entrepreneurs, social media marketing is the “next big thing,” a temporary yet powerful fad that must be taken advantage of while it’s still in the spotlight. To others, it’s a buzzword with no practical advantages and a steep, complicated learning curve. Because it appeared quickly, social media has developed a reputation by some for being a passing marketing interest, and therefore, an unprofitable one. The statistics, however, illustrate a different picture. According to Hubspot, 92% of marketers in 2014 claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, with Read More
Top 7 Web Design Fails of All Time
Web Design Fails: What Makes a Website Bad? Even if you are no internet guru, we all have come across websites that just do not make sense. Some times because they are confusing, other times because they do not get straight to the point. Regardless of the reason, here are some ways you can avoid web design fails and, as a result, make your website awesome! 1. Putting urgency over understanding your target market. Instead of focusing on getting your website done as soon as possible, you must first research your target audience in your specific market. Then, design your Read More
Why Everyone Needs a Website
The New Business Card – Why Everyone Needs a Website It used to be that if you didn’t have a business card, you weren’t really in business. Today, the same is true of a web page. If you don’t have a website and can’t be found on the Internet, then your business is merely obsolete. More often than not, establishing a business in this modern world means that everyone needs a website – that’s just reality! Creating a webpage isn’t as expensive or difficult as it used to be. There are templates to help you as well as people you Read More
30+ (More) Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks And Hacks
WordPress Tips By Richard Linden, Founder of WebVisable SEO, Online Marketing & Web Solutions – April 2th, 2014 Most of the WordPress blogs look more or less similar these days, to stand uniquely out from the rest, you have got to tweak it. And by tweaking, we mean really getting your hands dirty down on the blog theme and PHP codes. We’ve previously showcased more than 40 tricks and hacks you can perform on your blog but we quickly realized there are still a lot of impressive WordPress tricks, hacks and plugins out there that we thought are really great. Read More
SEO Hierarchy of Needs – Free SEO Tips
Must have Free SEO tips! – By Richard Linden, Founder of WebVisable, an Orange County SEO, Online & Digital Marketing company Free SEO Tips and The SEO Hierarchy of Needs There’s a hierarchy to be considered when developing any SEO campaign. To help businesses and marketers apply this strategy of prioritization, the SEO Hierarchy of Needs shows the relative place of search engine optimization tasks. As with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, basic and fundamental needs make up the base of the pyramid, and each higher tier represents needs that can’t be realized until all needs below are satisfied. Likewise, in Read More